How to use sweetfx with fallout 4
How to use sweetfx with fallout 4

Shadows - Adds more shadows using lighting which may 'cover up' bad shadows. Shadow Striping Fix - already included with other realistic lighting type mods You can also try lowering shadowdistance to 3800 or lower BUT shadows will not be drawn so far in the distance. To some extent it is about finding a balance between what you can put up with! :-/ You could try increase/decrease blurshadowmask but note that this also effects the lighting around objects/characters causing a 'glow' like effect: Have you tried 4096 shadows? Is it just too slow like with me? The best advice I can give is not to expect too much and try not be disheartened.

how to use sweetfx with fallout 4

I have seen a lot worse and your efforts are paying off. What values, mods have you tried to fix the issue?įrom the screenshot. Probably because the game was released to run on more systems than just the craziest rigs! Again the effects will still turn up in places time to time because it is just a limitation of the game engine itself. There are many lighting/shadow mods on Nexus where people have gone through and moved and recalibrated lighting positions to remove many problems. However you cannot enable this and detailed shadows at the same time because the ENB renderer is not being injected. You can use just the memory patch with the speedpatchwithoutgraphics=true value in enblocal.ini. You can switch off individual ENB effects but just using the renderer causes slowdown regardless of whether all effects are disabled or not. but they can still be found in certain areas and lighting conditions. Perhaps you know all this but I can confirm that is 'normal' behaviour.ĮNB can lessen these issues. Another is shadowdistance that can make shadows near by sharper but will not show more distant shadows and cause pop-in. The biggest setting to look at is the shadowresolution entry which is the basic quality of shadows.

how to use sweetfx with fallout 4 how to use sweetfx with fallout 4

It also depends on the capabilities of your system and the ini values I have provided are a sort of middle-high ground but not the highest settings as they drain enormous power for not a lot of visual gain. Shadows in Skyrim are not great to start with and even at the 'best' settings can cause pixelation, lines, tartan patterns (like you describe) and other such anomalies.

How to use sweetfx with fallout 4